суббота, 23 апреля 2011 г.

What motivates women to register for adult dating sites?

This article is devoted to a study on "dating sites for adults and affects the ways in which to lure visitors to these sites.

Judge Douglas Kersten wrote in his blog that the growing popularity of online dating sites are now stalled. Growth rate of 7% at the largest sites is ridiculous. And no wonder that sexually oriented sites are much more successful - 67% growth from the best sites online dating. According to Kersten, this is because dating too seriously refer to themselves and they lack the simplicity and fun, which is a dating site for adults. But according to other experts, the popularity of traditional online dating sites is comparable to the sites for adults.

The question is, what causes people to register for online dating sites?
Firstly, because it is interesting and can be fun. This refers to men, because they tend to offer sex and fragile relationships. But with women it is different.

Let's look at the problem - how to attract women online dating sites. There are two sides of the issue - technical and psychological. Technically, everything is clear. This picture on the front page, the conditions of registration (in the sense of security registration) and the number of visitors that she sees on the first page of your site. The last point also intersects with psychology. If a woman sees that other women have registered, then it is very likely to do the same.

Psychology of women differs from the psychology of men. As a result of medical research in recent years, scientists have concluded that sexual behavior and thinking are strongly affected by hormones.
Features of the perception of women aimed at fast - read intuitive - recognizing people. Women are endowed with the gift of reading between the lines, understand the feelings and thoughts of other people to guess their intentions and emotionally respond to them. They can quickly see the other side of the problem. They can empathize. But empathy and facilitates networking. But it could also lead to rejection of a person at first glance or your site from the first page.

In addition, it appears that many women are not recorded on these dating sites out of fear. But because women in the modern world have become more independent, they do not always reveal their fears. Only in extreme cases, fear dominates the other senses are women.
Kersten in his blog differentiates fear of success, fear of rape and fear of death. In the case of online dating can talk about the fear of rape. It's no secret that people who sign up for dating sites are not going to support long-term relationship, and women too, know well. Therefore, they are instinctively afraid to offer sex to men on the site. As a woman - a representative of the fairer sex, the man can always persuade her to what he wants. But women are afraid of "rape" is not only the physical (sexual) sense. Rape for them to include any other circumstances where men dominate women, and uses accessory to strong sex as an advantage over her. Judging by this, your dating site for adults must create an atmosphere of democracy and trust, where each person is valuable. Tools that can be used for this purpose - a letter from the site administrator, to ensure secrecy, news, site, and others.
With these tools you need to convince the woman that the dating service - it's fun, and that people, especially men who are registered on this site - friendly and educated, and will do her no hurt. You can even use the device of "background checks" for a woman to feel safe on your website. This is done - the woman goes on the link and informs the administrator of the disorderly behavior of a man.

In general, few address the issue of involving women in the dating sites. We could discuss this topic together and help administrators of online dating sites for adults to attract more women. I welcome your comments.

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